Maintenance scheduled by Tietoevry:
Scheduled for Nov 26, 23:00 UTC  -  Nov 27, 04:00 UTC
Message from Tietoevry:

Change local time from summer time to winter time on all Mainframe LPAR's
Please expect downtime 80 minutes for all services dependent on IMS/Core between 0155 CEST (summer time/gmt+2) and 0215 CET (winter time/gmt+1)).

The change will affect and influence the access functions for various services that are dependent of customer- and account information from Tietoevry Core.

Personal Internet Bank
Kundespesifikke Nettbanker
Loan Process
Selvbetjent Kreditt(SBK)
Salg og Kundeservice
VIPPS straksbetaling
Authorizations for BAX, Visa and MasterCard for Tietoevry Core banks will be affected (STIP).
ATM withdrawals for Tietoevry Core banks will not be possible (Micos A and B).
Credit Cards authorizations dependent on Tietoevry IMS RTS are affected (STIP).

Period: 27-10-2024 01:00 (CEST Summer) - 27-10-2024 05:00 (CET Winter)

Downtime: 27-10-2024 01:55 (CEST Summer) - 27-10-2024 02:15 (CET Winter) - 80 minutes
Posted Oct 15, 2024 - 11:39 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affects: Live (API, Checkout).